This article will provide an overview of Lead Sherpa’s Auto-Dead feature and how to utilize it for identifying leads faster.

The Auto-Dead feature will identify certain keywords (“sold,” “wrong number,” “not interested,” etc.) to be auto-filtered from your inbox and placed within your Dead (Auto) Lead Stage.

Here’s how to access and utilize the Auto-Dead inbox:

  1. Go to your campaign "Prospects & Messages" tab
  2.  Select “Dead (Auto) - Unviewed” within the drop-down menu
  3. Review the messages for valid leads and re-categorize them to their correct Lead Stage


We understand that finding legitimate leads within the Auto-Dead inbox can be frustrating, so if this is happening often, you may turn the feature off. Here’s how:

  1. Click on Account Settings -> Company 
  2. Toggle the "Auto Dead" option off
  3. The "Auto-Dead" feature will be turned off for all campaigns

Lead Sherpa Tips:  

  • We recommend periodically reviewing your Auto-Dead messages, as prospects may utilize a keyword response that does not necessarily constitute a "Dead" lead. Keep an eye out for legitimate leads that have been wrongly filed.
  • For all messages, including dead ones, click "Verify Owner" to update and increase your campaign’s List Quality Score.

For additional information pertaining to the topic, please refer to the video below.