This article will provide an overview of Follow-Up Campaigns and the various filters contained within them that you may utilize to effectively target your prospect data for further follow-up purposes.

Follow-Up Campaign Filter Options

Once you've completed a campaign, you have no more prospects to message or text. You’re now ready to create a Follow-Up Campaign.

IMPORTANT: We advise waiting at least 10 days before sending your follow-ups so that your prospects don’t feel like they’re being spammed. Our recommendation is that follow-up texts be sent once a month. Prospects can not be sent out with an initial message more than once within a 5-day period, they will be skipped.

I. To re-contact all prospects who did not reply, create a follow-up campaign by:

  1. Go to the completed campaign you'd like to create a follow-up from and click "Create Follow-Up".
  2. You can rename the follow-up campaign strategically if desired. *It is discouraged to use exactly the same name over and over again*.
  3. Toggle "Retain Initial Outgoing Numbers" to "No" to message your prospects with a new number. If you want to retain the initial number associated with the prospect conversation, keep this as "Yes".

  4. Set "Include prospects who have responded?" to "No" (this will include all prospects that have not responded within the initial campaign to the new one). Leave all other filters within their default settings.

  5. Once all settings are finalized, click "Create follow-up".

II. To re-contact all prospects who did reply, but with a specified list:

  1. Go to the campaign you'd like to create a follow-up form and click "Create Follow-Up". Rename the campaign if desired.
  2. Toggle "Retain Initial Outgoing Numbers" to "No" if you want to message your prospects with a new number. If you want to retain the initial number associated with the prospect conversation, keep this as "Yes".
  3. Set "Include prospects who have responded?" to either "Yes" or "All".
  4. Specify the Lead Stage you want to follow up with, as well as any other statuses.
  5. Specify keywords such as "later" for those who replied with "contact me later" for example.
  6. Please keep in mind that there is an AND between each of these filters. That is, if you select the "Appointment" lead stage and the "Priority" status, you will ONLY pull over the prospects that have BOTH been marked as "Appointment" and "Priority".
  7. Once all settings are finalized, click "Create Follow-up".

III. To recontact prospects that were skipped:

  1. Go to the campaign you'd like to create a follow-up from and click "Create Follow-Up". Rename the campaign if desired.
  2. Select the "Skip Reason" that you would like to send a message to again. Using this filter will create a skipped-only campaign.
  3. Once all settings are finalized, click "Create Follow-up".

NOTE: You may create numerous types of follow-up campaigns from one single campaign. When a prospect is pulled into a follow-up campaign, they no longer belong to the original campaign, so you will not end up with duplicates across the different types of follow-ups. DO NOT forget to rename your follow-up campaigns to differentiate them from the other campaigns.

Lead Sherpa Tip: 

  • Once you create your campaign, you may access the Campaign "Notes" tab to review the filters that were applied.
  • Choose a message template appropriate for follow-up.
    • Example: “I’m still trying to reach…” (Avoid using the same message that was initially sent to avoid being flagged or perceived as spam).
  • For recontacting leads that DID reply, but went cold, create an even more specific template. 
    • Example: "I'm following up after a conversation we had in April 2019, I'm not sure if you recall, but has anything changed? Are you looking to sell your home now?" The more specific our templates are, the more interest we will generate.

For additional context on this topic, please refer to the video below.