Detailed below is a step-by-step walkthrough for optimally utilizing Lead Sherpa's Skip Trace feature.

  1. Clean up your data file - We advise that users utilize no more than 20 columns within the file. for best results, include the prospect's full name (first and last names should be separated into separate columns), if applicable LLC's and Trust names in the first name column, property address city/state/ZIP and save it as a csv file.
    • For best results search using property address only. This can be accomplished by editing your template to include these four columns only: Property Address, Property City, Property State, Property Zip.
  2. Navigate to the Skip Trace tab of your Lead Sherpa account.
  3. If you're intending to skip trace a single prospect, select "Single Skip Trace".
    • Single Skip Trace requires that credits be available on your account for usage of the feature. To purchase Skip Trace Credits, select Single Skip Trace -> Add Credits.
  4. If you're intending to skip trace multiple prospects (minimum record count of 25), click the “Batch Skip Trace” button.
  5. Select Launch Uploader -> Upload data from file and select the file for upload.
  6. Confirm that the top/first row of your selected file possesses column names.
  7. Double-check auto mapping. If a portion of your data is mapped incorrectly, this can be corrected via selecting the appropriate header from the drop-down menu.
  8. Confirm each column and click “Review.”
  9. Review your information to confirm that your data is mapped correctly. Once confirmed, continue to the next step.
  10. You will be provided the option to select a timeframe for refreshing existing records. The timeline will refresh any records older than the time selected. For example, if you selected 6 months, all records older than 6 months will get refreshed data, while any records less than 6 months old would stay the same.  
  11. Review the cost estimate, and approve if you agree. The system will authorize your card for this amount. Once the file is done processing, the exact charge amount will be billed.
  12. All skip trace results are final and non-refundable.
  13. Once your Skip Trace is complete, you can export the data file or push the list to an existing Campaign

You will only pay for hits and new data. If you already possess prospect and/or property data from a file within your Lead Sherpa account from a previous Skip Trace, you will not be charged again for duplicate prospects.

Lead Sherpa Tips: 

  • You must separate the first and last names of your prospect data into separate columns. The middle initial and second owner information can be removed.
  • If your hit rate is low, make sure you’ve correctly formatted your file in accordance with our guidelines. Afterward, you can re-upload the list.