Most skip tracing issues come down to either the file format or data mapping. Make sure you’ve cleaned up your data before uploading to Skip Trace following these simple guidelines: 
  • Make sure the file has no more than 20 columns of data.
  • Must include Name—first and last name in separate columns.
  • Must include Property Address, city/state/ZIP, separated into columns.
  • LLC and Trust Complete names in the "First Name" column

For ease of mapping out your Skip Trace data we've provided our own recommended template, accessible within:
  1. Your Lead Sherpa accounts Skip Trace -> Batch Skip Trace
  2. The download link provided at the end of this article

Tip: You may upload a Property Address only Skip Trace file. If you choose to upload property addresses only, delete all other columns, headers included. Include property address, city, state, and zip only. For more information on that, please check our Article "Skip Tracing A File Containing Only the Property Address".

Once you’ve uploaded your file, if the system isn’t letting you click "Next" to process your Skip Trace, make sure you’ve mapped your data correctly. You MUST map every column. Make sure you do so accurately for the best results. Once all columns are mapped, the "Next" button should be clickable.
  • Although the categories in the uploader template are all required for Skip Trace processing, the order of your columns does not matter.
  • Keep in mind that the addresses for your prospect/property data MUST be separated by city/state/ZIP if they’re appearing in separate cells and if they're in a cell altogether. Those cells are marked as "skip".

Concerning Skip Trace File Types

  1. Certain file types such as .xlsx and .xls are known to experience upload errors with Lead Sherpa’s skip trace functionality. For best performance, please utilize .csv files for your uploads.
  2. For Batch Skip Trace files that would exceed a total row count of 100k, it is advisable that your import file be broken down into smaller files for quicker processing. Breaking down your files will also mitigate the magnitude of delays caused by upload errors and/or skip trace restarts.
*Disclaimer: The Skip Trace fee is non-refundable.

For additional context pertaining to the Skip Trace feature, please reference the video below.