This article will provide a walkthrough of our Edit and Duplicate Prospect feature for updating your prospect profile info.

Occasionally you may possess the correct number for a prospect, but the wrong name, or additional pieces of data that you wish to update. These details can be changed via the "Edit Info" and "Duplicate" icons within the prospect pop-out.

Editing Prospect Info (Name Only)

  1. Locate the Prospect Profile that you wish to edit and click "Edit Info"

  2. Update the provided fields to the intended names. Once this is finalized, click "Edit" to confirm the changes.

Editing Prospect Info/Cloni (Full Profile)

  1. Locate the Prospect Profile that you wish to edit and click "Duplicate".

  2. Update the provided fields to the intended names. Once this is finalized, click "Clone" to confirm the changes. Once duplicated, you'll be redirected to the new prospect page where you can message the correct person. If you're confident that the new number is the owner of the property address, click "Verified" to deactivate the other numbers associated with the property