This article will provide an overview of the tag feature and how to utilize it more effectively and efficiently organize your prospect data.

Applying a Tag to an Existing Campaign

  1. Select a campaign and click the tag icon in the top-right corner

  2. Select tag(s) that you would like to apply/ remove to/from ALL prospects within the campaign

Applying a Tag When Creating a Campaign

  1. Create a campaign and click "Add Prospects"
  2. Select tag(s) that should be applied to ALL prospects in that campaign. Afterward, click "Continue Upload" to finalize your selection.

Applying a Tag When Pushing from Skip Trace to Campaign

  1. Click Skip Trace -> Locate the specific skip trace file you wish to push -> Push to Campaign
  2. Select tag(s) that should be applied to ALL prospects in that campaign. Afterward, click "Push to Campaign" to finalize the selection.


  • If you're pushing from skip trace to campaign, data returned from skip trace may also be auto-tagged on a prospect by prospect basis.
  • Prospects will be auto-tagged based on their returned values within skip trace files (e.g.: Absentee, Vacant, Judgments, etc).