If you possess different company names for different markets or are in process of updating your company name, you can switch between these different names by following the step-by-step process below:

  1. Access your SMS Template Manager and click on Template Settings

  2. Within Template Settings -> Company Name Settings, write the different names you would like to have for your company. Once you've finalized your company names, click "Save".

  3. When creating/editing a template, you can select your preferred company name via clicking on the drop-down arrow beside [CompanyName:]. This will provide you the option to select your preferred company name to be applied to the dynamic field tag. Once you've finalized your selection, click "Submit".

Lead Sherpa Tip: Specify the market you're utilizing the template in via the Template Title to easily identify which campaign it should be used for.

For additional details and context, please refer to the video below.